Infrequencies. Work/life geekery (and more) with Ryan Christensen

What’s new?
January 28, 2023 in social

Your social feed is what you make it

I’ve long put this perspective forward when discussing the “value” of social media with friends, but it bears remembering when I’m exhausted by the content that fills my feed on (insert social network here): our feeds are what we make of them. We—generally speaking—control the sources...

January 26, 2023 in elsewhere

Shakespeare explains mathematical conjecture

OpenAI's ChatGPT system has been making the rounds in technology and mainstream media these last few weeks. I’ve been toying around with it for a while now and have been pleased to find some surprising value. Meaningful professional/personal uses aside, it’s a great sandbox to…...

To begin again
January 25, 2023 in reflection

To begin again

Of the many changes I've worked through in the last several years, one of the more positive and impactful has been integrating meditation into my daily routine. More specifically, the power in the idea of beginning again.

January 16, 2023 in reflection

Streamlining my to-read list: clearing the mental roadblocks

I’ve always been the kind of person who struggles to close browser tabs. My tab bar often resembled a never-ending ‘to-do someday’ list, cluttered with articles and links I promised to read later... but rarely did. This habit became a recurring issue, surfacing more frequently than I would prefer....

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