
Hard work, work ethic, and drive. The things that push us and the reasons we reach.

4 posts from doing See another: elsewhere, life, reflection
September 19, 2021 in life

Five minutes ago

We all struggle with "should I or shouldn't I," when the answer is almost always: "five minutes ago when you first thought about this."

October 31, 2019 in doing

Publish sooner, write more

Years of radio silence leave one with more than a few fresh stories. A lot has changed, and a lot more is on the horizon.

Indisputably you
September 13, 2019 in elsewhere

Indisputably you

Jodi Ettenberg (of quitting-your-job-to-travel-the-world fame) said something of her own writing which I found to be truly insightful...

Spotlight life